Dream therapy involves interpreting symbols and events of a client’s dreams.

Clients are asked to record their dreams upon waking and this may take the form of drawing, voice recording or simply writing down the events. In modern times, most counsellors believe that the best interpretation of these dreams come from the client themselves in order to pinpoint the client’s anxieties and suggest possible solutions.

Dream therapy is once again becoming popular due to the discovery that lucid dreaming is linked to the state of psychosis by the way our brains act similarly in both states.

Lucid Dreaming Therapy

Lucid dreaming is where the dreaming person acknowledges that they are dreaming and henceforth can control their actions and what happens in the dream.

  • Lucid dreamers often feel less anxiety in their dreams as they can manage their fear and manipulate what happens.
  • They can often involve places and people significant to them in their dream.
  • In conversations with a dreaming figure, lucid dreamers can often understand how or why the dream figure behaves in certain ways because of their personality.
  • Lucid dreamers can also manage their own personality and restructure it therapeutically in their dream.
  • In a lucid dream, the person can attack threatening dream figures but preferably reconcile with these figures.

Lucid dream therapy is increasingly considered to be an effective PTSD treatment by some professionals. The PTSD sufferer could address what terrifies them and learn how to come to terms with it. Further research into the link between lucid dreams and mental disorders could bring dream therapy back into the spotlight.